INSAF has been registered with the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)3 since June 1974. INSAF’s objective is to help those who wish to give something back to India by supporting the cause of education, healthcare and other non-political projects for the upliftment of the disadvantaged in India without any discrimination on the basis of region, religion, or caste. INSAF has also supported a few modest, non-political, projects in the USA.
Donation to INSAF for VSSM project:
USA tax payers who wish to support the activities at VSSM, may make a tax-deductible donation to INSAF (Indian Schools Alumni & Friends, USA) and mark it as being for the VSSM Project. Information on how to donate to INSAF can be seen at under the tab donate
INSAF Bank information:
” INSAF’s Bank Information can be seen at under the tab Donate via ACH ”
INSAF Project leader for VSSM project:
” Shri Chandrakant Vora, USA, INSAF Member and Project Leader ”